
Scripture Union Kosova since its very first days has worked to bring as much material that it could, for the use of the churches but also for individuals. Our resources are already available and they can be found in different Christian Libraries. When people have difficulty getting copies of their favorite titles, they can write to us and we will be happy to help. Here you can see the materials that Scripture Union has published itself or in agreement with our partners.

Guardians of Ancora

The Bible Project

Essential Jesus (E100)

Guardians of Ancora


The Guardians of Ancora is a game designed in the UK by our sister organization there, and was translated by us into Albanian. Its realization into the Albanian language was done thanks to the cooperation of Scripture Union Kosova with the partners: “Media 7” and “Shkëndijë.”

The application is suitable for smartphones and tablets. The application is designed with excellent graphics. It is suitable for children of the age 5 to 11.

What is “Ancora”? The name is derived from the Latin, ‘Ancora’ meaning anchoring. The secondary meaning of the word also translates as “support” and “hope.” More information about the game GUARDIANS OF ANCORA can be collected by visiting its official website (in Albanian) or (English).

The game contains countless challenges for children including parkour, Bible Quest to find lost stories, readings, quizzes, videos, etc.

To download the app for free, visit any of the platforms (App Store, Google Play or Amazon) or by pointing the camera of your electronic device at this screen and focusing on the appropriate QR code.


For all the kids who have already downloaded the app ‘Guardians of Ancora’ and are playing this amazing adventure, Scripture Union has taken care to provide follow up materials for them. We have named the materials with a summary title: Ancora Curriculum.

The publisher of these brochures is Scripture Union Kosova.

The Ancora Curriculum can help children and teens better understand the contents of the game played on their devices. The materials are suitable for clubs, camps or similar activities for children. They can be downloaded for free and printed out, under the conditions they are not used for commercial purposes.

For our children we bring two colorful brochures, with drawings and messages for two age groups of children: GUARDIAN’S STORIES and GUARDIAN’S DIARY.

THE GUARDIAN’S DIARY is an A6 pocket booklet. It is suitable mainly for teenagers, in the age group of 10-14 years. The booklet has 88 pages and is full color

GUARDIAN’S STORIES is another booklet but in an A5 format. The booklet is suitable for children in the age group of 7-9 years old, but it may be useful even for younger children, as long as the child is literate. The booklet contains 56 pages and is full color.


Here you may find useful brochures which can be downloaded for free and distributed for club advertising purposes at any local church. On our YouTube Channel, you may also find videos which can also be useful.

The Bible Project

Actually the name itself of the project on the YouTube Channel is entitled THE BIBLE PROJECT. In this project the Bible is explained book by book by narrators as it is followed by animations.

Scripture Union Kosova has coordinated the translation of this project into Albanian. We’re completely aware of the fact that sometimes people in these parts of the world are restricted in the public reading of the Bible. In Kosovo there are no legal restrictions, but often Christian believers are harassed when found reading the Bible. In the internet era, anybody can log into some electronic devise and listen to the Bible in his own language.

The 66 Books of the Bible have already been translated into Albanian. Each book separately, or all books in a row, can be followed for free on the YouTube channel. The materials are suitable for small household groups or for personal and group Bible study.

To access the BIBLE Project, all you need in an electronic device that is connected to the Internet. Search for “the Bible Project” on your YouTube channel, or click directly here: .

Then select your favorite Bible book you want to study. Since the narration is in English, you have to select the ALBANIAN subtitles, located in the SETTINGS of the every respective video.

Faith Comes by Hearing

In partnership with the LUMO Project, Faith Comes By Hearing provides a multi-language biblical film resource that helps you engage with the life of Jesus through the four Gospel accounts. These full- length feature films use the actual Gospel texts as their scripts—word-for-word. Created by LUMO using extensive theological, historical, and archaeological research, each film has been adapted with Faith Comes By Hearing’s audio Scripture in the languages of the world. Now, hearers and watchers for the first time may watch and hear the film in the Albanian language. The Bible translation used in the Albanian version of the fil is that of the Albanian Inter-Confessional Bible Society. For more information about the films you may visit their official website.

To watch the films of the Gospel of Luke in the Albanian language, you may visit the Scripture Union Kosova official YouTube channel

Study the Gospels

Essential Jesus (also referred to as E100).

A fully devotional book with 100 readings; with 50 different topics and contents from the Old Testament and as many from the New Testament. The book is suitable for daily readings for spiritual encouragement and drawing nearer to God. We hope that once you have finished reading all the 100 devotions, you will be encouraged to spend even more time with God regularly through Bible reading and prayer.

The book has been translated into Albanian from the well-known English title “Essential Jesus”. In 2016, the book was published after the collaboration of Scripture Union with the publishing house “Tenda” in Prishtina.

The book has 169 pages and can be found in Christian bookstores.

Jesus never became a political, military or governmental leader; he never wanted that. He never owned a multinational corporation nor did he amass any wealth he would boast; there was no need to do it. He never wrote a book, never organized concert tours, never appeared on television, never had a radio conversation or had a blog of his own. He was born in a stable, grew up as a laborer, remained single for life, had no children, and was crucified at the age of 33 … What is special about Jesus? ” (From the Introduction).

The Big Bible Challenge

A book full of Bible stories for children. The book is a presentation of 100 Bible stories in an exciting and child-friendly format. All stories are grouped into 20 challenges, as per the title of the book.

The Big Bible Challenge is designed for children aged 7-12. Children find it easy to use, with or without the help of adults. If used in conjunction with the book ‘Essential of Jesus’, then the whole family, home group or the club can be involved in discussions at the same time.

The book has a total of 128 pages full color, with a very high quality print. It came out of print in 2016 and can be found in Christian bookstores. The publisher is the Inter Confessional Bible Society, Tirana, Albania, while Scripture Union bears the copyrights.

The Great Story of the Bible

It is a booklet designed especially for children. It is a publication of SU International of 2017, while in Albanian it is published for the first time by SU Kosova in 2021.

The illustrations are from the book ‘The Great Bible Challenge’. From this we understand that this booklet is related to the book this book, meaning it can also be used together. It is a publication suitable for Bible Clubs, Sunday Schools or Camps.

The booklet has five folds, colour print and matte plasticity. Inside the booklet is a fascinating Bible Story from Creation to the New Heaven and the New Earth. Human as God’s most loved creature is part of this story.

The brochure can be downloaded for free from our website and can be printed for the needs of the Christian community provided that the reprinted copies are not used for commercial purposes.